May 6 - 7, 2013 COVO Spring

So after the long winter away, we are back at the farm in early May. The calendar says spring, almost summer even, but the trees are slow in responding to the season. Like an impressionist painting, the leaves dot the branches with flecks of verdant green, pointing to the fullness yet to come.  Why are we surprised by the sluggishness of the midwestern spring? Fooled every year by our own memory that paints a different picture.

There were some nice surprises. 
The overabundant rain, which caused flooding in some areas, filled the ponds that were dredged 
last fall. 

The garlic overwintered well and is on its way to maturity. 

The best surprise of all, Dan and his friend Mark transformed interior wood from the old milking barn (the distant building in the photo above) into a gorgeous dining table. They're the ones who salvaged, cleaned and installed barn wood for the wainscotting last winter.

And then this curious bird, a turkey I believe,  appeared on the wall

The view from the top

We see the farmer preparing the fields for corn planting and the tree at the bottom of "stairway to heaven" is in full bloom. Summer can't be far away.  

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