Jeff and the rusty nail

Some conversations are just headed for trouble - you can tell from the very first words.

"When did I last have a tetanus shot?" Jeff casually asked.

Janie and I were in St. Louis visiting Susan. We all perked up, waiting for the punch line.

"I stepped on a nail and it went through my shoe into my foot." Not any old nail, but a corroded rust-covered nail from the decrepit old milking barn. Susan, the one with the medical degree, advised  him to soak his foot AND get it looked at.  Janie told him the best place to go. And I urged him to do so.

The good news is his tetanus shot was current and the nail was out. The bad news is the nail had pushed shoe rubber and dirt in the sole of his foot and cleaning it out hurt more than the original injury. Who would have thought?

Did he throw the shoes away? No - apparently Merrell's have nine lives and will be around a lot longer than the barn.

July 18, 2014 Gravel here, gravel there, gravel, gravel everywhere


Our beautiful wildflower berms look a little unruly.

Since the lodge driveway and road up the hill needed a new gravel surface, Jeff and Dan decided to order three truck loads full, enough to replenish the well-traveled areas, landscape the berms and be available for the covered bridge.

Look how gorgeous the berms look in the after photos.




But all this improvement did not come without some backbreaking shoveling.

First truckload

July 1, 2014 Beauteous Both

Rain + Sun = Black-eyed Susans
"Found heff-ey shorts. Loving the look."