May 24 - 25, 2014 Arbor Day


Grab your work gloves, books and a shovel and come join us at Covo Hills farm to plant some more trees this year!
We're having our third annual Arbor Day Festival weekend at the farm and would love for you to join us. And we promise that the weather will be perfect this year. We've ordered another 500 bare root trees to plant along with some cute little trees Dan has grown from seed in his nursery.  Hope you can make it - last year was a lot of fun and the crew planted all 500 trees in less than 3 hours - a Guinness record?

Dan prepping bare root trees for planting

Dan's Nursery

Saturday Night Fireside

Mitch and Jess

Farm Bros

Mike and Deena
Mark and Deena

MariBeth and Deena
Jeff and Marianne
Dan and Marianne


Our Arbor Day

Dan instructing the crew

Captive planters

Jeff demonstrating while Ellen watches
(husband Mark escaped the camera)

Jeff and Deena

Janie, Brian and Jeff (beauty, brains and brawn)

Kate and Tim (love birds)

Mary and Tom (cutest hat)

MariBeth, Jess and Deena (best smiles)

Marianne helping Kate and Tim

Tim and Mark  (beer break)

 Here is the overall breakdown of what we planted –
-        75 White Pines ( the long, soft needled pines)
-        100 Norway Spruce ( the other conifer with stubby branches)
-        50 Swamp White Oak
-        50 Burr Oak
-        100 Pecan
-        50 White Oak
-        75 Cherry 
-        25 White Oak/Pin Oak from nursery
-        75 Burr Oak from Nursery
-        25 Walnut from Nursery
All of the these are excellent habitat trees that will provide food and shelter for a multitude of critters and which are native to the area.
Blue tree markers

Thank You

The Voellinger’s and Cortopassi’s  would like to heartily thank all of you that participated in our 2014 Arbor Day event - for all of the TLC and hard work you put in to get this year's batch of bare root seedlings in the ground.

We were able to plant 500 bare root trees we purchased and around 125 seedlings that were grown from acorns in our nursery!  The warm weather made it feel like we planted 900 trees so maybe we need to request a little less of a perfect weather day next time.

We had about 11 people for the overnight on Saturday prior to the planting on Sunday and it was a blast – huge bonfire, great food and drink and plenty of storytelling.  The start of a new tradition.
You all were fantastic to give up a full day ( or more) to come out and work.  Hopefully you had a little fun mixed in with the work and are willing to come back.