Dan looks at home in his camo |
Dan enters Covo Hills Farm into the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) this spring as a way to attract wildlife, mainly turkeys and pheasants, for hunting. CRP grasses, shrubs and trees are native prairie species that once thrived in the Midwest and give wildlife areas to rest, feed and take cover from predators.
Scott Schaffer is our Department of National Resources (DNR) contact. He's the expert who plans and helps us with planting grasses, burning fields and getting some of the bare root trees for free. Woodland Forestry sprays for weeds and plants grasses and trees for us.
Ladder looks a little precarious up there |
A new purchase this year is scaffolding found on Craig's list and
purchased from a defunct clothing boutique in downtown Chicago. Every
season, the owner had artists paint full wall murals that accented her
new clothing designs. They will greatly aid in insulating, drywalling and painting the soaring front wall.