November 7, 2010 Closing up for the year

We end the year with a pretty nice looking building. The walls are primed and ready for spring painting. Jeff jumped ahead and painted the bedroom.

2010 began with the framing and paneled walls in place. Adding the insulation and drywall to a building of this size and volume was a huge task, but many hands added to the work, including some visitors who never expected to wield a hammer or use a saw.

Who knows what surprises await us in 2011 from the non-snowbird partners?

October 22 - 23, 2010 Welcome to Covo Hills

Anyone entering through the back door of the lodge will know they're in the Cortopassi/Voellinger hills where the trees grow tall and strong and the sun shines (most of the time). The reclaimed barn wood is a nice contrast to the white lettering.

Our tease of a bathroom

October 2 - 3, 2010 Transformation Continues

Jeff handles the roller as I take the more tedious job of painting the window frames. No need to be careful - it's all white with no flooring to worry about!

Garage "canvas" ready for logo artwork

Dan and Jeff surveying the proposed CRP land

September 26, 2010 Priming the walls

White primer transforms the lodge interior from spotty green walls to a pristine white. Now what color for paint?

September 19, 2010 revisited: A real fish tale

The milo food plot is so thick and beautiful this year that Uncle Palmer offered to cut stalks with his pocket knife so Janie and I could take home some natural fall decorations. 
There we were hovering on the edge of the milo when we heard strange noises therein. 
Scratching and yowling like a hurt animal. 
We listened for a minute as the rustling sound drew closer, unsure of what to do. 
Just as we all quickly backed away, Jeff casually came up on the ATV, asking what was up.
We were ready to bolt, fearing the worse, when Cash charged at us laughing.
Our wild animal was Cash!

September 19, 2010 Brian learns to fish

Cash escorted Brian to the creek on a fishing expedition. He tried to teach him how to fish, but guess what? Cash was the only one who caught a fish!

So Brian took Cash down to the tee box and taught him something more useful than fishing: how to swing a golf club.

Meanwhile, Janie and I help Jeff and Uncle Palmer with farm chores. Planting and positioning the ATV crossing over the creek .

September 12, 2010 Changing weather, changing lodge

Interior garage wall is finished with leftover metal siding.

The woodburning stove from Aunt Rita and Uncle Palmer is installed and look at the cute little table Jeff built with leftover wood. Perfect for Kate L.'s kerosene lanterns.

Pumpkins take off as corn dies back

August 5, 2010 Home through Oregon

This sign caught Katie's eye for the first time.
"I thought going to Oregon is like going to Kentuck up at Sawyer Lake."
Purely ficticious and a little funny.
Not so!

August 4 - 5, 2010 Cousin Jared conquers Covo

Cousin Jared starts his farm experience with the requisite trip to the Mississippi, followed by a spin on the tractor and ATV.

This is a pretty historical photo.   It documents the last time we cooked a complete dinner on the original fire pit down in the campground. Katie and I had a little difficulty starting the fire, until Jared came to the rescue.  Or so he thought. What really started it was the gasoline Jeff poured on the logs. Yeah, right? After all our trying with sticks, paper and multiple matches, that's all it took. Well worth it, if just for the corn.

The next day, Jared helped Jeff insulate the garage and learn how to cut and apply drywall.

Katie did the real and important work of single handedly assembling the grill that was purchased at Target with her employee discount.

Shooting Time

Don't know if anyone has ever climbed the corn crib before. Leave it to Jared to think it would be fun! Of course, Katie is not about to be outdone by her cousin at her farm.

Cash was happy to show off 
his turtle before he became dinner.
Work at Covo? Get a t-shirt!