Late April 2007 - Projects

The hay barn has seen better days, but now it's an eyesore and a potential danger. But mostly, it's an eyesore. There's charming and picturesque and then there's just old and dilapidated. What's left of this once functional barn disfigures the beautiful landscape so down it must come.

The old equipment barn is in pretty good shape and deserves to be restored.  The first step is to replace missing boards. The inside was cleaned out early on and has been housing shovels and odds and ends that are being moved to the new equipment barn. 

Jeff and I are taking our turns on the tractor.  Guess who is really working? Besides showing off the new farm vehicle, these photos are a contrast between the new and old buildings.  

April 9, 2007 - All in a Day's Work

7:49 a.m. 
10:50 a.m. 

11:22 a.m. 

12:20 p.m. 

12:56 p.m. 

12:57 p.m. 

12:58 p.m.

12:59 p.m. 

1:24 p.m. 

2:25 p.m. 

2:26 p.m. 

2:35 p.m. 

3:07 p.m.
The Equipment Barn
Morton Buildings