May 2005 - Moving In with the Cows

We "moved into" the farm in May 2005. There were some uninhabitable barns and a herd of cattle that belonged to David Keller, the former owner. Keller leased back land for grazing, corn and alfalfa. The cows added to the pastoral nature, but made me feel a little uncomfortable when they approached in herds. Jeff and Dan also worried that they would eat baby trees and plants and make it hard for us to transform the farm into a wildlife habitat. The cows didn't stay long - but it was nice to see the springtime babies.

The first priority for a farm with no house, water and electricity was an outhouse. Jeff built the frame in the driveway of our Hinsdale home, then transported the pieces in the minivan - or tran as it is fondly called now because it functions as part truck/part van. He camouflaged it to fool the cattle, deer and turkeys.

Next, Nick dug a keyhole firepit for cooking and warmth, then they chopped fallen trees for fuel. We fit a old grill top on the keyhole and cook over hot coals.   

This is the first alfalfa cutting of the spring season. We're like a real farm with Keller baling and transporting the alfalfa.

An early view of the cornfield.